ATTENTION: Disclaimer Notice modified as of 024TL10m16d. ![]() This part of the Quantum-Note web-site deals with what is commonly known as or called Law. The creation of these pages have become necessary due to the apparent «censorship and suppression» that goes on to prevent any «truthful» information from being accessible to the inhabitants of this universe (a «Quantum» phenomenon at its deepest levels which shall be explained and described in detail after I can allocate sufficient time to work on it and get the necessary writings finished). I am not entirely decided on how I wish to format/organise this section of this web-site but I think it should necessarily just deal with whatever I happen to be reviewing and updated as I go through all of my records/collections/etc. I would like the information to be available in a «coherent» (and thus organised) format that I hope to make easy-to-understand (unlike how the lawyers make policies and Legalese so damn complicated and incomprehensible so as to make the general public give up in frustration and give in to being forced to hire some lawyer or attorney). The United States is undoubtedly the most «litigous» society in the world, comprising of more than 50% of the entire world's lawyers/attorneys, who account for at least 10% of the nations GDP. The whole «system» is truly one of madness (insanity). Over time, somewhere on this web-site, I plan to add various videos that expose the reality of rampant corruption that has happened to the policing forces, and please note that so-called «Law-Enforcement» should not be confused with Peace-Keeping, for the latter (i.e.: Peace-Officers) in society is what is actually needed (provided that it stays within the precepts of what is written in The Testament of Truth), whilst the former (i.e.: Law-Enforcement) is a Military Occupation (i.e.: Martial-Law). This page was last updated/modified: 024TL10m16d (024TL is equivalent to year 2020CE) |