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Analysis of Form 56

Recently, I was going over some documents related to Status-Corrections, and noticed that I must be some sort of complete idiot who can't understand these damn government-formatted documents. Then again, seriously, who the hell has time for all this crap, anyway!? Regardless, this is about Form 56, related to the IRS.
The latest government-version (corporate-version?) of Form 56 can be accessed from the IRS web-site. According to the About Form 56 page, under their Forms and Instructions section, said form is used to «provide notification to the IRS of the creation or termination of a fiduciary relationship under section 6903» and to «give notice of qualification under section 6036».
OMB: Office of Management and Budget
Section 6903: Notice of Fiduciary Relationship
Section 6036: Notice of qualification as executor or receiver
Name of person for whom you are acting (as shown on the tax return): DEBTOR name goes here in ALL-CAPS (and is thus separate entity from living man/woman)
Identifying Number: I don't know so I wouldn't put anything here
Decedent's social security no.: This wording is a trick to create joinder
Address of person for whom you are acting (number, street, and room or suite no.): DEBTOR's MAILING ADDRESS (separate from living man/woman's postal-address)
Fiduciary's Name: Raúl Maldonado d/b/a SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY (UNITED STATES)
Address of fiduciary (number, street, and room or suite no.): C/O DEPARTAMENTO DE HACIENDA, P.O. BOX 9024140
City or town, state, and ZIP code: SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO 00902-4140
Section A. Authority: d ☑ Valid trust instrument and amendments
f ☑ Other. Describe ➤ [UCC Filing #]

Title, if applicable: SECRETARY OF TREASURY
Planning on returning to editing/updating this page when I so decide.
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