![]() Dealing With Aggressive Police FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS OF 30TH AUGUST 2018CE TO ALL PUBLIC AGENTS! (👆The above sentence is hyper-linked. Please click the above for document.👆) NOTICE TO AGENT(S) IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL(S)
«I'm going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer.» Let's go over some of the LIES that they teach cops to say to civilians (they refer to you as civilians; this is «military» language meaning that you ARE under Martial-Law). «You're not a suspect. Just help us understand what happened here, then you could go.» «If you don't answer my questions, I'll have no choice but to arrest you. Do you want to go to jail ?» It's a LIE. You don't have to answer anything (for educational purposes). They're trained to say this to you. «If you don't answer my questions, I'll have no choice but to arrest you. Do you want to go to jail ?» «If you don't answer my questions, I'm going to charge you with resisting arrest.» «All of your friends have co-operated, and we let them go home. You're the only one left.» Cops are EXTREMELY SNEAKY and they will bug you. So there are a lot of ways that they can trick you into talking. More scams that they actually pull : They play the good-cop bad-cop. The idea is that the bad cop scares you so bad that you are desperately looking for a friend (psychological-effect). Typically they try to get someone of the same race/ethnicity on you in order to «coax information» out of you. The cops will tell you that your friends ratted on you so that you will actually snitch on them... They will tell your friends the same thing about you to divide you one against the other. The cops will teach [tell] you that they have all the evidence that they need to convict you, and if you take the responsibility and confess to the judge, the judge will actually be impressed by your honesty, and go easy on you. What they REALLY mean is : «We don't have enough evidence YET but please CONFESS!» If they HAD the «evidence» that they are alleging that they had, you would be locked up. It is EASY to beLIEve what the COPS tell you. Insist on speaking with a lawyer before you sign ANYTHING. The Golden Rule, I am going to tell you straight, NEVER TRUST A COP. More and more people are getting fed up with and cannot stand cops because of the way that they've actually been treating our people, gunning them down, and getting away with it. So NEVER TRUST A COP. Beliefs in Requirements of reading Miranda Warnings is based on FALSE KNOWLEDGE/INFORMATION. Police do NOT have to read you rights (according to actual «rules» of their system). Miranda applies when there is an INTERROGATION by a police officer or other agents of law-enforcement. You do NOT have to be formally arrested to be in custody. Even when all these conditions are met, the police INTENTIONALLY VIOLATES MIRANDA, and although your rights have been violated, what you say CAN and WILL be used AGAINST you. Stick with the magic words : «I'm going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer.» If you've been arrested, and realise that you've been answering questions, don't let them trick you into believing that you have to answer ALL of their questions, because that's a LIE. These are the basic types of encounters with police : Conversations, encounters, arrest. Conversations : When the cops are trying to get information but don't have enough evidence to detain or arrest you, they try to weasel some information out of you, or try to provoke you. They may call it a casual encounter. They might call it a friendly conversation. If you talk to them, you may give them that information that they need to arrest you, or your friends (even when your activities are not unethical nor immoral). In most situation it's better and safer not to talk to cops. Detention : A lot of the times they'll say «I'm not arresting you; I'm detaining you.» Police can detain you ONLY if they have REASONABLE SUSPICION. Reasonable-Suspicion must be that you are actually involved in a crime. Detention means that, though you aren't arrested, you can't leave. Detention is supposed to only last for short-term; and they are supposed to move you. During detention, the police can actually pat you down, and go into your bag, to make sure you don't have any weapons. They're NOT supposed to go into your pocket unless they feel a WEAPON; what's in your pocket is supposed to STAY there unless there is a WEAPON. If the police are asking questions, simply ask, for educational purposes, if you're being detained. If not, LEAVE, and say NOTHING ELSE to them. If you're BEING detained, then you may want to ask why. When the following is said...: «I'm going to remain silent. I want a lawyer.» (NOTHING ELSE) ...then the interrogation is supposed to STOP right there. A detention can easily turn into an arrest. If police are detaining you, and they get information that you are actually involved in a crime, they will arrest you, even if has nothing to do with your detention (in fact, they might simply «make up» a «crime» and arrest (kidnap) you anyway, even when you are not engaged in criminal-activity). For example, case-in-point, if someone gets pulled over for excessive, meaning speeding, they're detained. And if the cop sees drugs in the car, cops will arrest you for possession of the drugs, independent on how much it is, in attempt to distribute, even though it has nothing to do with getting pulled over. Cops have TWO reasons to detain you:
«I'm going to search your vehicle» and if you do not prevent it by saying : «I do not consent to any search but I'm not going to try and stop you under protest and duress» So it is suggested, for educational-purposes, to NEVER consent to consent to a search. If the police try to search your car, house, backpack, pockets, etc., use that magical-phrase : «If you search me, you're doing so under protest and duress.» This may not stop them from forcing their way in and searching anyway, but if they search you illegally, they probably won't be able to use the evidence against you in court. You have nothing to lose from refusing to consent to a search and lots to gain. Do NOT physically resist the cops when they're trying to search you because they may KILL you. This is being mentioned from veteran-experiences. Perhaps a lot of cops may not like to know of this fact being revealed/exposed, but it's real, the truth. Do NOT physically resist when cops are doing whatever, or any kind of resistance, otherwise they will try and charge you up for resisting arrest or assault. Just keep repeating that wonderful phrase to cops and to all witnesses that...: «I do not consent to a search. This is my policy.» And be very careful about casual-consent. What is meant by that is that, if you are stopped by a cop, or cops, and you get out of the car, but don't close the door, they can search the car and claim that they thought you were actually indicating consent by leaving the car door ajar. All this stuff is important when you're dealing with these constables [criminals] on patrol. Also, if you say «I'd rather you didn't search» ...they can claim that you were reluctantly giving them permission to search. Always just say the magic phrase : «I do not consent to this search.» POINT-BLANK. PERIOD. DO NOT LEAVE ANY DOUBT IN THEIR MINDS. So if the cops have a search-warrant... nothing changes. It's legally safest, to just say the words, again : «I do not consent to this search» And again, you have nothing to lose from refusing to consent to a search, and lots to gain. If the search-warrant is incorrect, or invalid in some way, if they DO have a search-warrant, ask them to read it. A VALID warrant must have a recent date, usually not more than a couple of weeks old, the correct address, and the judge's or a magistrate's signature. Some warrants indicate the time of day the cops can actually search, so you should say that magic wonderful phrase, whether or not the search-warrant appears correct, that same good old phrase, and this goes for ALL governmental-officials that tries to search you or your belongings or your house. What about infiltrators or informants ? Under-cover cops sometimes infiltrate political-organisations. They show up at seminars which expose the government-scams. Under-cover cops and agents infiltrate political-organisations and organisations that teach knowledge like what you are reading on this web-page. Why ? The «system» (government) is essentially a CULT that wants to DESTROY all opposing beliefs/ideologies from even existing (a form of intellectual-genocide). If you expose truth (a supposedly First-Amendment right) within this world/universe of deceit then the «Agent Smiths» (metaphorical-example from The Matrix) will do everything that they can to set you up, they will LIE on you (and about you), create anything against you, etc., to try and destroy you. They can lie about being cops, and if you ask them directly, some people, say you ask : «Are you law-enforcement ?» They can LIE. Under-cover cops can even break the law. Narcs get hazardous pay for doing drugs as part of their cover. A lot of under-cover cops, when they go in deep-cover, they get hazardous pay from literally taking a damn drug to convince you that they're not a cop; so all that stuff that used to go, that you see on these damn movies, on TVs, is LIES. A lot these cocks (cops) get addicted to them drugs, and then have to get detox, go to a re-hab, and they actually encourage others to do so as well. Unlike you've been told on TV, this is not legally entrapment. So, regarding the feds, and other governmental-agents, for educational-purposes only, all of this is for educational-purposes. The essence of that magical-phrase «I'm going to keep my mouth closed until I talk to a lawyer» not only applies to these constables [criminals] on patrol, but it applies to the FBI, the DEA, the CIA, even the IRS. All of the alphabet-boys, all of the alphabet-groups, etc. If you want to be nice and polite... tell them that you do not wish to speak with them until you've spoken with your lawyer or that you won't answer questions without a lawyer present. If all of you knew the law, referring to getting a lawyer otherwise wouldn't be mentioned, but so many of you do not know the law (or rather the contract, or rather the law), because not all of you do the necessary studying. So you don't have any choice but to get an attorney, because you are a minor (what is known as a «Ward of the State» according to the government-system language of legalese), because too many of your minds cannot get around the blockages; too many of your minds suffers from cognitive-dissonance. So, if you're being investigated as a result of your political-activity, or you became a Secured Party Creditor, or you became sovereign and so on and so forth, or you're a Hebrew Israelite, or you're a moor, you can call the National Lawyers Guild, the number is probably still the same : 212-679-5100 and they will help you find a lawyer who can talk to you, because you don't know how to speak for yourself, due to your status as being an incompetent Ward of the State. The next thing about taking notes : Whenever you interact with, or observe policemen, always write down what is said if you don't have a recorder. If you have a recorder it's best to record it, and who said it. Write down the cop's name, the badge-number, and the names and contact-information of any witnesses that may be around. Record EVERYTHING that happens. Now, if you are actually expecting or anticipating a lot of police-contact, get into the habit of carrying a small video-recorder, tape-recorder, and a camera with you. Be CAREFUL! Cops do NOT like people taking notes... ESPECIALLY if the cops are planning on doing something illegal. Observing them, and documenting their actions, may have very different results. For example, it may cause them to respond aggressively. Some of them get aggressive, or it may prevent them from abusing you. So in conclusion, people deal with police in all kinds of circumstances. You must make an individual-decision about how you will actually interact with law-enforcement. It is important to know your lawful and legal-rights. Study, study, study ! But it's also important for you to know, and for you to decide, when and how to use them in order to best protect yourself, because if you don't, it may not turn out well for you, good brother; it may not turn out well for you, good sister. A lot of people out there literally need this information so share it with those who will find it useful. There are a lot of people who get really belligerent when they're dealing with constables [criminals] on patrol, they lose their temper, some people try to run off out of fear, but don't do it, for educational-purposes only. The only reason that most people are suggested to get an attorney, although this will put you under their jurisdiction, but if you don't know how to handle offer-and-acceptance, you're going to get slam-dunked, which is why most of you are suggested to get an attorney. A lot of people have really bad police-encounters, getting beat up, getting their windows smashed out, etc. One incident was when it was reported that a cop called for back-up, and as SOON as the back-up cop got there, he came there with his damn night-stick, and SMASHED his window out, and snatched him out of the car. That's ridiculous, very ridiculous, so you MUST KNOW how to actually protect yourself in these situations, and if you're not very careful, this situation could go from, like... moderate to extreme in a few seconds, because some of these cops are hot-heads. Keep in mind that police-officers, judges, lawyers, etc., they're all people, just like you; many of you get this misconception that, oh, these are professionals, they won't behave like that. NO! They're people just like many of you; many of them smoke, many of them drink, many of them smoke weed, and so on and so forth, many of them are really dirty, etc., so they're people just like many of you out in the general public. Stop escalating anyone above you and learn to defend your rights; but, if you don't assert your rights, then you have none. So, despite what you've been told, doesn't matter who's been telling you this, despite what you're told, you NEED to learn LAW; you NEED to learn CONTRACTS. And if you learn the laws, statutes and commandments of the most high, you should be in good comprehension, because all of these man-made systems of so-called law still originated from the Ecclesiastical-Law. So, with that being mentioned, with this article, you should know how to actually interact with constables [criminals] on patrol, henceforth. Don't get into a damn debate with them on the side of the highway; don't refuse to give them a damn driver's license if you HAVE it; if you don't have it : «I'm not entitled to that benefit» (for educational purposes) If you have it : «I'm doing so under protest and duress; but I'm not operating under this particular capacity at this time because I'm not a driver; I'm just simply going from point A to point B.» Don't even get into the argument about driving and travelling on the side of the damn high-way. None of that is necessary. He could charge you with anything but he's not the decision-maker as to whether or not these charges are going to stick. Why waste time with argument ? You'd just be inviting them to shoot you or beat the crap out of you; because they will do a damn Rodney King on you in a second, and think nothing of it, make no mistake about it. There are some DANGEROUS men and women that they have in law-enforcement, and the more intelligent YOU are, the LESS they're going to like you; and if they feel like you're challenging them, at the LEAST, they may taze you and beat the crap out of you, and then they'll doctor their report, and say that you did it, you assaulted (insulted) the police-officer; so you'd just be getting charged for taking the axe with them, for doing nothing. Many of you may not believe it's like that, but it IS like that, it IS the REALITY. So if they tell you to do something : «Is that an order ?» «Okay, roger that.» «Let me see some driver's license.» «Well, is that an order ?» «Yes, it's an ORDER.» «Okay, roger that.» ...because, what, he gave me an order. What happens when someone gives you an order ? He takes an order, right ? He takes an order from his sergeant; the sergeant takes an order from his captain. What happens in two weeks ? They pay him for carrying out those orders, or those orders that are fulfilled. Just like when [you] walk into a restaurant, you give an order, right ? When that waitress fulfill your order, what do you got to do, you gotta tender your payment, to pay for that order. So it works the same way. Whenever someone gives you an ORDER, if you carry out that ORDER, are you not entitled to payment for carrying out that ORDER ? Yes you are, well, the sovereign-minded contend that you are. Do you understand ? So don't fight it, don't argue, because that's what DEBTORS do. You go into a DEBTORS's status if you argue. Don't argue with them, don't get caught up with debate, just do so under protest and duress : «I'm doing so under protest and duress.» Much bafoonery has been seen on You-Tube because many of you listen to these Secured Party FAKERS who are teaching a bunch of nonsense; so it has been seen that there are a bunch of people on You-Tube getting their wind-shields, getting their windows broken out, getting snatched out of cars, why ? Because they're watching these clowns on You-Tube who really don't know the law, so they get snatched out of them vehicles, get tazed, get shot, when simply all you had to do was say : «Is there an order ?» and you do so under protest and duress. A creditor knows how to diffuse the situation : «I'm going to deal with him in court.» Get the word out, because a lot of people are out there who really need this information, because a lot of people do not know how to deal with the police-officers or these federal-agents. You treat them all the same, all the same, basically : Shh, be quiet. Don't argue on the side of the high-way. Just : «Is that an order ? Well, I conditionally accept your offer, upon proof-of-claim.» and then deal with it in court. Creditors don't argue. Debtors argue. Once you begin to argue, it transfers over into an arguMENT, which is dishonour, and many of you, you love the art of disputation, which is why your relationships don't work, which is why your marriages don't work, because you think you always gotta be right : «Yeah, yeah, yeah, aight, aight, aight, me, me, me !» You always want to be right, because you LIKE to ARGUE; you're always damn joy-chattin', always arguing at the mouth, you just gotta be right, why ? Because there's something IN you that makes you want to be right ALL the time. Just let it go, man. Create harmony, that's what creditors do. That's how winning is done, you create harmony with the situation, how can I diffuse the situation ? Cop comes up, agitated. Diffuse the situation : «How is it going, officer ?» Well, not officer; he's not an officer unless he's a sheriff (sheriffe). «Driver's License.» «Well, I'm not operating under that particular capacity. Is that an order that you're giving me ? Okay, I'll give it to you under protest and duress.» It's not my will, so I'm doing it under protest and duress, I didn't voluntarily give it to him. Man has a weapon on his side, the woman has a weapon on her side, he won't HESITATE to USE it. So ? I do so under protest and duress. This is how we have to interact with these beasts because they're behaving like beasts, and the government knows it, but the government wants them to behave like that, for educational-purposes, because they (cops) keep you in control; they keep you under fear, because if you don't FEAR them, you're going to do anything (which the government-system regards as «anarchy» of which IT is FEARFUL of). So the government know that they're behaving like this; they WANT to see people getting shot down. You hear some people come out and say : «Alright, that's wrong, we're going to have to do something about these police-officers.» Why haven't they stopped it ? You think they can't stop it ? They can stop cops from shootin' people down on the street if they want it, but they want that FEAR in you, because if they don't have that FEAR, if they lose that FEAR, they're going to lose that control over you. But once you have right knowledge, then you stop fearing them, because you know how to deal with them, and you know how to affect their purse where it can have an effect upon their lives that they can FEEL, because these people LOVE MONEY, they love filthy lucor, so if they're put into legal-debt-obligations, that's why it is effective. May as well clean them up, get this swamp of corruption drained, see, because if they talk like that to the wrong members of the public, they might find themselves finding their food being snatched off of their table (done «legally» of course) and they won't be able to feed their families. That's how they are made to PERSONALLY EXPERIENCE a «reality check» and not via arguments on the side of the high-way.
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